
Witnesham Baptist Church       
   Where people   ------
meet people ------
 meet God
Seeking God's guidance for the future of His work here at Witnesham.

Please pray for us as we continue to seek God on how we can be part of that journey.
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4 v 10
A Reflection from Rural Ministies

Distraction and realignment.

Simon’s reflection last week on Rethinking Wilderness was well worth a read and if you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to give it some time to reflect on. I really resonated with the reflection, as I have long been drawn to wilderness spaces, both physically and spiritually.

It was the word ‘distraction’ that stopped me in my tracks. We live in a world full to bursting with distraction. Our souls are literally assaulted all day, every day, with a barrage of content, opinion, news feeds and expectations. We carry the world at our fingertips on these little devices in our pockets. I was having a conversation with someone just last night about this, we not designed to have this much ‘input’, this much knowledge and awareness of negative things that are happening around the world. Our finite hearts are struggling to take it and so we end up with either compassion fatigue, addicted to these little devices, part of the mental health crisis or worse, so desensitised that we become passive and lethargic towards the issues.

Further distraction comes with all the extra activity that seems to ramp up during the summer months.
Sometimes it feels like the world wants to keep us ‘checked out’ from the God-reality we’re being invited to experience. Like a Las Vegas casino - open 24 hours a day, free drinks and smiles all round…..just keep plugged into the system, keep pumping money in the slots and spinning the tables. Keep looking at your device, keep consuming, keep searching for the next thing that will satisfy!

On the deepest level of the soul, we’re all searching for God, for deep union with Him. It’s not going to happen when we’re apart from Jesus. Apart from Him we can do nothing. Go and read John 15.

A spiritual practice is whatever turns your attention and affection towards God, whatever helps align with His reality, truth and love. What might your practices be this summer season? Scripture and prayer are the obvious ones. What are the others that are unique to you? I suggest a moment to discern, where do I feel most alive? And then go and do that. But maybe invite Jesus into that. If it’s surfing then go surf and revel in the love and smile of God; if it’s walking in the countryside, then go for a walk with God, I’m certain He’d love to meet with you in the beauty of the things He’s made; maybe it’s your garden, growing some veggies for the table or flowers for the explosion of colour and life; maybe it’s to create, to bring some something from your own inner landscape, so go paint that picture, carve that spoon, or write that song…..with God!

There are ways to connect with God in silence and solitude and in community, in formal church settings and in the wilderness. He’s always drawing us towards His heart. He delights in us and rejoices over us with singing (Zephaniah 3:17). In a summer of potential distraction, let’s remember this truth and let it be the foundation for our lives as well that the truth that leads us towards spacious places.

May joy abound.

Excerpts from a reflection by Jon Timms
Director: Scotland & North of England
The complete reflection and others can be found at

Worship times can be found by clicking on these links to our services and diary pages.

We are a small rural Church situated in the community heart of the village of Witnesham, which is 5 miles from Ipswich. We are an open fellowship and all who love the Lord Jesus are invited to receive communion. We are friendly and informal and always give a warm welcome to visitors arriving at our services and activities. Come and give us a try, we would love to see you.

A Post Office Outreach service can be found in the conservatory room on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings.